About me:
Hello! My name is Dr. Kristin Talka and I am a NYS licensed psychologist who has been providing psychological services for 20+ years. I have worked in a number of settings (hospitals, outpatient centers, subacute treatment centers) with a diversity of populations (children, adults, couples, LGBTQ). These opportunities provided a wealth of learning experiences, over time coming to understand different human conditions and how to fully help individuals benefit from the psychotherapy process.
Working in private practice, Mid-Hudson Psychological Services, PLLC since 2011, has afforded me the opportunity to provide individual psychotherapy services, helping individuals with a range of issues and often complex presenting challenges. I work to maintain a warm, welcoming environment centered on developing a meaningful, collaborative therapeutic relationship that is focused on change and growth. I continue to engage in learning opportunities to help further develop my clinical skills and stay alert to the latest research in psychological treatment.
Living in the Hudson Valley has given me the opportunity to engage in some of my favored activities, such as exploring nature in the Catskills, trying out new cuisines, and antiquing. You may see me out and about at local events or farmer's markets, toting along my ancient spaniel, Guston. (He's the bestest boy!)
Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, May 2007
Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology
University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, NY
Current Work:
Private Practice, Mid-Hudson Psychological Services, PLLC, Kingston, NY
July 2011-Present
Past Clinical Work History:
CHE Senior Psychological Services
July 2009-July 2012
- Provided individual and group psychotherapy services to sub acute rehabilitation and skilled nursing patients addressing issues of bereavement, chronic pain, loss of functioning, changes in cognitive functioning, and health/lifestyle changes.
- Consulted with treatment team providers including occupational therapy, physical therapy, nursing, recreational therapy and psychiatry with regard to behavioral interventions and treatment planning.
- Conducted neuropsychological assessment to assist with diagnosis and treatment planning with individuals presenting with dementia, seizure disorders, traumatic brain injury, stroke, and vascular related sequalae.
- Provided cognitive rehabilitation interventions to improve functioning with memory, orientation, attention/concentration, and executive functions.
Disability Claims Evaluator
April 2009-June 2009
Department of Health and Human Services, Augusta, ME
- Conducted psychological disability evaluations to determine claimant status for employment capacity.
- Reviewed ADLs, money management skills, cognitive, emotional, and social functioning.
Neuropsychology Resident
June 2007-June 2009
WestSide Neurorehabilitation Services, Lewiston, ME
- Conducted comprehensive neuropsychological test batteries with adults and children. Reviewed medical records, conducted intake interviews, scored tests, interpretation, and write up. Provided feedback and recommendations.
- Provided individual and group psychotherapy to address various mental health and psychosocial issues as related to neurological changes post injury.
- Engaged clients in cognitive rehabilitation to address issues with attention, memory, concentration, and executive functioning.
- Provided substance abuse treatment and education to patients who actively use alcohol, illegal drugs, and tobacco.
- Developed and initiated a family/caregiver support group to address issues of brain injury education, coping skills, behavioral interventions, and acceptance.
- Assisted with occupational therapy, speech therapy, and physical therapy services as needed. Worked collaboratively with a multi-disciplinary team and provided consultation.
Perna, R. B., Loughan. A.R., & Talka, K.M. (2012). Executive functioning and adaptive living skills after acquired brain injury.
Journal of Applied Neuropsychology.
Talka, K.M. & Perna, R.B. (2008). Does chronic pain affect neurorehabilitation and vocational status in individuals with ABI? In R. McCaffrey (Ed.), The National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference: Vol. 23. Archives of clinical neuropsychology (pp.696). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Perna, R.B. & Talka, K.M. (2007). Treatment of anger management problems following acquired brain injury. Brainstorm. Brain Injury Association of Maine.
Santiago-Rivera, A.L., Talka, K.M., & Tully, A.W. (2006). Environmental racism: A call to the profession for community intervention and social action. In R.L.Toporek, N.A. Fouad, T. Israel, L.H. Gerstein, & G.Roysicar-Sodowsky (Eds.), Handbook for social justice in counseling psychology: Leadership, vision, and action (pp.185-199). Sage Publications.
Professional Associations:
• New York State Psychological Association
• Hudson Valley Psychological Association
Council Representative: March 2011-December 2013